Chohan Foundation

Navigating the Terrain of Impactful Giving

In a complex world with an array of social, educational, and health-related challenges, the need for catalytic investment cannot be overstated. By aligning philanthropic grants and venture investments under a unified umbrella, we aim to fuel transformative solutions that promise not just incremental but exponential impact. This page outlines our approach to grants and ventures, serving as a roadmap to understand how we drive change across multiple sectors.

The Confluence of Philanthropy and Entrepreneurship

In today's fast-evolving landscape, traditional grant-making often intersects with entrepreneurial ventures. We recognize that tackling global issues requires a diversified portfolio that includes both non-profit grants and for-profit investments. This fusion enables us to harness the agility and innovation of the private sector while grounding these efforts in the altruistic goals of philanthropy.

Our focus areas


A Catalyst for Social Change

Our grants are directed towards organizations and initiatives that demonstrate a commitment to solving pressing issues in society.


From early childhood development to tertiary level, we fund initiatives that aim to level the educational playing field.


We support programs that are bridging gaps in healthcare accessibility and quality, especially in under-resourced communities.

Climate Change

Grants are awarded to research and field projects aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change and fostering sustainability.

Criteria and Evaluation

Grant proposals are rigorously evaluated based on a set of predetermined criteria:

Alignment with Mission

The project must align closely with our overarching goals and focus areas.


We seek initiatives with a plan for long-term impact, beyond the term of the grant.


Preference is given to proposals that offer groundbreaking solutions or leverage technology in unique ways.

Application Process

The grant application process involves a multi-step evaluation, including an initial proposal submission, shortlisting, detailed project presentation, and final review. This ensures that each grant serves as a strategic investment towards our mission.


We invest in Scalable Solutions

We invest in

Tech Startups

Particularly those that offer disruptive solutions to social problems.


Enterprises that have social impact built into their business models.


Companies that produce goods or services with a direct social benefit.


How we work

Due Diligence and Risk Assessment

Before investment, we conduct in-depth due diligence to assess the financial health, scalability, and projected impact of the venture. Risk assessment is a critical component, ensuring that the venture aligns with both our financial and impact goals.

Synergies: The Power of Collaboration

To maximize impact, we often look for opportunities to combine grant-making with venture investment. Whether it's a non-profit that spins off a for-profit arm or a startup that incorporates social goals into its business strategy, these hybrid models embody our integrated approach to philanthropy and investment.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Both grants and investments are subject to rigorous monitoring and evaluation. Metrics and key performance indicators are identified in the planning stage and are closely monitored throughout the project's lifecycle. This ensures accountability and facilitates adaptive management.

The Transformative Potential of Integrated Funding

Through a calculated blend of grants and venture investments, we amplify our impact across the social, educational, and healthcare sectors. By doing so, we don't just address the symptoms of inequality and vulnerability but attack their root causes, enabling transformative change that is both wide-reaching and sustainable. Our grants and ventures are more than just financial transactions; they are strategic partnerships geared toward building a more equitable and prosperous world.

Get in touch

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